For work, I’ve been making my way through Learn dbatools in a Month of Lunches. Down in Chapter 21, it talks about using Get-DbaRandomizedValue to generate random data and I was curious what that random data might look like. I tried following the documentation for running this command, but I was specifically trying to run the command to generate Lorem Ipsum data, like so: Get-DbaRandomizedValue -RandomizerType Lorem -RandomizerSubType ntext -max 75
. But when I ran that command, I kept getting this warning/error: WARNING: [09:20:40][Get-DbaRandomizedValue] Invalid randomizer sub type
. This was driving me a bit crazy, especially as the documentation doesn’t give any hints on what a valid randomizer sub type would be. Eventually by reading through the PowerShell code for Get-DbaRandomizedValue on GitHub; I noticed this module imports the list of randomizer types from a CSV file installed with the module. The current list of these types can be found on GitHub, but for the lazy (like me) here’s what that CSV file holds:
Type | SubType |
Address | BuildingNumber |
Address | CardinalDirection |
Address | City |
Address | CityPrefix |
Address | CitySuffix |
Address | Country |
Address | CountryCode |
Address | County |
Address | Direction |
Address | FullAddress |
Address | Latitude |
Address | Longitude |
Address | OrdinalDirection |
Address | SecondaryAddress |
Address | State |
Address | StateAbbr |
Address | StreetAddress |
Address | StreetName |
Address | StreetSuffix |
Address | ZipCode |
Commerce | Categories |
Commerce | Color |
Commerce | Department |
Commerce | Price |
Commerce | Product |
Commerce | ProductAdjective |
Commerce | ProductMaterial |
Commerce | ProductName |
Company | Bs |
Company | CatchPhrase |
Company | CompanyName |
Company | CompanySuffix |
Database | Collation |
Database | Column |
Database | Engine |
Database | Type |
Date | Between |
Date | BetweenOffset |
Date | Future |
Date | FutureOffset |
Date | Month |
Date | Past |
Date | PastOffset |
Date | Recent |
Date | RecentOffset |
Date | Soon |
Date | SoonOffset |
Date | Timespan |
Date | Weekday |
Date | Random |
Finance | Account |
Finance | AccountName |
Finance | Amount |
Finance | Bic |
Finance | BitcoinAddress |
Finance | CreditCardCvv |
Finance | CreditCardNumber |
Finance | Currency |
Finance | EthereumAddress |
Finance | Iban |
Finance | RoutingNumber |
Finance | TransactionType |
Hacker | Abbreviation |
Hacker | Adjective |
Hacker | IngVerb |
Hacker | Noun |
Hacker | Phrase |
Hacker | Verb |
Hashids | Decode |
Hashids | DecodeHex |
Hashids | DecodeLong |
Hashids | Decrypt |
Hashids | DecryptHex |
Hashids | Encode |
Hashids | EncodeHex |
Hashids | EncodeLong |
Hashids | Encrypt |
Hashids | EncryptHex |
Image | Abstract |
Image | Animals |
Image | Business |
Image | Cats |
Image | City |
Image | DataUri |
Image | Fashion |
Image | Food |
Image | Image |
Image | Nature |
Image | Nightlife |
Image | People |
Image | Sports |
Image | Technics |
Image | Transport |
Internet | Avatar |
Internet | Color |
Internet | DomainName |
Internet | DomainSuffix |
Internet | DomainWord |
Internet | |
Internet | ExampleEmail |
Internet | Ip |
Internet | Ipv6 |
Internet | Mac |
Internet | Password |
Internet | Protocol |
Internet | Url |
Internet | UrlWithPath |
Internet | UserAgent |
Internet | UserName |
Lorem | Letter |
Lorem | Lines |
Lorem | Paragraph |
Lorem | Paragraphs |
Lorem | Sentence |
Lorem | Sentences |
Lorem | Slug |
Lorem | Text |
Lorem | Word |
Lorem | Words |
Name | FindName |
Name | FirstName |
Name | FullName |
Name | JobArea |
Name | JobDescriptor |
Name | JobTitle |
Name | JobType |
Name | LastName |
Name | Prefix |
Name | Suffix |
Name | HasFirstNameList |
Name | SupportsGenderFirstNames |
Name | SupportsGenderLastNames |
Name | SupportsGenderPrefixes |
Person | Address |
Person | Avatar |
Person | Company |
Person | Context |
Person | DateOfBirth |
Person | |
Person | FirstName |
Person | FullName |
Person | Gender |
Person | LastName |
Person | Phone |
Person | UserName |
Person | Website |
Phone | PhoneNumber |
Phone | PhoneNumberFormat |
Random | AlphaNumeric |
Random | Bool |
Random | Byte |
Random | Bytes |
Random | Char |
Random | Chars |
Random | ClampString |
Random | CollectionItem |
Random | Decimal |
Random | Digits |
Random | Double |
Random | Enum |
Random | Even |
Random | Float |
Random | Guid |
Random | Hash |
Random | Hexadecimal |
Random | Int |
Random | ListItem |
Random | ListItems |
Random | Long |
Random | Number |
Random | Odd |
Random | RandomLocale |
Random | Replace |
Random | ReplaceNumbers |
Random | ReplaceSymbols |
Random | SByte |
Random | Short |
Random | Shuffle |
Random | String |
Random | String2 |
Random | UInt |
Random | ULong |
Random | UShort |
Random | Uuid |
Random | WeightedRandom |
Random | Word |
Random | Words |
Random | WordsArray |
Rant | Review |
Rant | Reviews |
System | AndroidId |
System | ApplePushToken |
System | BlackBerryPin |
System | CommonFileExt |
System | CommonFileName |
System | CommonFileType |
System | DirectoryPath |
System | Exception |
System | FileExt |
System | FileName |
System | FilePath |
System | FileType |
System | MimeType |
System | Semver |
System | Version |
Static | None |