- A Venn Diagram for Unix nerds: http://bit.ly/9CPIoQ // Love it! (via @cjhubbs) #heh #geek #
- Has Republican-speak confused you during the health care debate? You're not alone. Learn more at http://is.gd/aXfLZ (via @MoveOn) #
- Apparently I'm just too impatient, as I just got my email from @Netflix telling me I should have my disc by Friday! #netflix #wii #awesome #
- OMG! http://is.gd/b0e8N #heh #
- You can stop looking; @toddadamson's got the absolute BEST photo of the healthcare rallies. http://bit.ly/9Vf47Q #ObamainIC (via @ToddPM) #
- Good morning fellow sentient beings. Together, let's crush Monday before it gains intelligence. (via @shawnp0wers) #
- So far, so good… http://bit.ly/dvYXIU (via @dougal) #heh #LHC #
Tag: Twitter
- And this is so how I feel right now: http://bit.ly/10UBOR (via @scifiroots) #MeToo #Tired #Heh #
- When I take over the world the first thing to go will be FarmVille. (via @BillyBuddy) Dr Horrible FTW! #heh #
- In case you missed it last night, I've posted the Awesome Sauce Manifesto 1.0. http://bit.ly/d3QRdD (@jeremiahtolbert) #MakeAwesomeSauce #
- Mad scientists who keep brains in jars, here's a tip: why not add a slice of lemon to each jar, for freshness? – Jack Handy (via @JPBarlow) #
- My cats are going to love this: http://yfrog.com/89n5irj #heh (@ilovetypography) #
- http://youtu.be/rbs-gBEgIrs #DorksOnly #heh #
- New Gorillaz music video – http://bit.ly/9PtAIN (via @hidama via @bldngnerd) #awesome #
- Unicode characters are valid for IDs. Annoy maintainers by flipping them around: id='??p???', id='??dd???', id='???oo?' (via @aaronbassett) #
- Eliminate the health beefits for politicians and let's see how much they like the private options available to them. (via @carlhancock) #
- Cool site to browse great photos. http://www.fluidr.com/ #photo #photographers (via @jmurphpix) #Flickr #VeryCool #