We live in town and not really near any woods, but when I looked up from my book Sunday afternoon this critter was running around or yard.
Hello again faithful readers! It’s been a while since I felt like posting anything here; so if you’re still following along… umm, thanks? This year Michelle & I celebrated our 11th year of her not killing me yet, which is my joking way[ref]Yes, I recognize that as subpar humor, but she still laughs at it. So there. :p[/ref] of saying we’ve been married for 11 years now. This year we decided to take a quick trip to Chicago and see the last major tourist attraction that they’ve got that we hadn’t been to yet, Shedd Aquarium. It was quite the experience and I’m glad we went but I have to say I’m not expecting I’ll ever feel the need to return. Their website suggests it takes about 3 hours to go through; we were there for over double that. Also, I don’t know if we just picked a bad weekend or were simply lucky, but many of the other attendees were rude, loud, and pushy[ref]I say many, but not all of them were like that. We did meet some very nice Michiganders in the line to buy our tickets that Michelle talked to while I was taking photos[/ref]. By the time we left, I left like I’d been riding a bumper car all day. Additionally, it was a very difficult environment to take photos in[ref]Shooting with no flash (can’t risk hurting the animals), with the odd lighting, around crowds (who whip out their phones and pay no attention to their surroundings), through windows thick enough to cause visible distortion and which were frequently scratched or smeared with god knows what after tourists smacked it.[/ref], but I like to think I got a few good shots. The above mosaic links to my Flickr album with all the photos I took that didn’t completely suck. Note there are quite a few more photos in the album than what it shown in the mosaic.
Bad News: I’m doing a lousy job of keeping up with my Project365 resolution for this year.
Good News: Tonight’s #IADemCaucus was packed. Bernie won the most delegates from our distract[ref]Clinton came in 2nd and O’Malley didn’t qualify.[/ref].
Cutest moment of the night: Temporary chair was explaining the rules, just finished saying how long people had to stay to be sure “the voice of the people was heard” and then a baby in the audience cried out happily.