I finished reading Masterpieces: The Best Science Fiction of the 20th Century the other day. It’s a good, but not great collection. I say that because each story in the collection is a well written and enjoyable; however I realize now that I’m not particularly fond of short shorties or at least, not a random collection of short stories which is what the overall feel of this collection is. There’s no underlying theme to the stories that were selected and that really weaks the impact of each of the stories. Still, it’s filled with good stories by good authors; so I’ll give it 3 out of 5 points.
I’ve already started reading Elizabeth Peter’s The Golden One. To be honest, I started reading it the other day and just forgot to update my blog; so I’ve nearly finished it and I’m finding it to be highly enjoyable though I’m somewhat glad that it’s the last of Ms. Peter’s books that we have around the house. I like her characters and her writing style isn’t bad but I’ve just about had my fill of mysteries for now and I’ve got a bunch of used books from the last sale at our local library. That’s all for now; till next, happy page turning.