What Beatle are you?

John Lennon
You enjoy poetry, painting & a fine wine.
A lover not a fighter.
Personality Test Results

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As a Hufflepuff and as an SFJ, you are loyal, just, and industrious. You are bound by your sense of duty and always try to do the right thing, which makes you reliable, dependable, and above all else, responsible. You expect a great deal from yourself and from others, and you take great pride in doing things right. You are down-to-earth, decisive, and trustworthy. As your friends no doubt recognize, you are also friendly, sympathetic, and nurturing.

Hogwarts Sorting Hat: Based on Myers-Briggs Personality Typing
brought to you by Quizilla

To the first quiz, while I like that it comes up as Lennon; I have yet to drink a glass of wine that I really liked so that part seems bogus to me.
To the second quiz, Milo Hamwich says “BAH!”

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2 thoughts on “Quiz Day, Part 2

  1. You are a GRYFFINDOR! As a Gryffindor and as an NFP, you are idealistic, loyal, and committed to doing what you know is right. Creative, optimistic, and interested in possibilities, you prefer to keep your options open. You are curious, imaginative, and perceptive. You value harmony highly, and are excellent at resolving conflicts.

  2. You are a GRYFFINDOR!

    As a Gryffindor and as an NFP, you are idealistic, loyal, and committed to doing what you know is right. Creative, optimistic, and interested in possibilities, you prefer to keep your options open. You are curious, imaginative, and perceptive. You value harmony highly, and are excellent at resolving conflicts.

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