Companies that have done good by me

I’ve done my fair share of complaining in this blog and recently 2 companies have done me some good; so I figure I’ll spread a little praise for once.

Company #1 is I recently ordered some books from them and they said the expected time of arrival was between November 10 through November 12. I had one of the books in my hands on November 6 and all of them by November 9. Good job!

Company #2 is Westport Touchless Autowash (WTA). They’re local carwash company. I’d been busy/lazy/tired this summer and probably haven’t washed my car in months. I also frequently drive out to visit some friends who live in a small country town, which means my hood was covered in dead bugs. For extra fun, yesterday I parked too close to a tree and well… let’s just say some birds in that tree really could have used some Imodium AD. My car was flithy and over lunch today; I drove up to WTA and had them wash it. It wasn’t cheap as I went for the full package wash ($10) but my car came out of there spotless. Every dead bit of bug and every little present from my bird friends was gone. My car is currently all clean and shiny! 😀

So, I say thank you for the job well done.

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