From Pukka:
- Intelligent Design
- HP Genetics
- The Misadventures of Hello Cthulhu
- The Grand List Of Console Role Playing Game Clichés
- Inflatable Pub
Not from Pukka:
- Sobics Brick Game [Editor] I’ve hit level 20, and 540,400 points. What’s your best score?
- Marble Magnets
- Fridge Tin Pen Holder
- Serious Sam 2 Demo Released [Editor] Serious Sam was a fabulous game with cutting edge graphics and old school hordes of bad guys to gun down. As an extra bonus, it only cost at $19.95 when it was released (vs. the $50-60 of most new games). I’m most excited to see this new demo coming out, though it does mean I need to delete some other stuff from my drives so I can install it. Hmm, maybe after I do that I can also try out Google Earth….
- Astronomers pass judgment on ID
- A list of all the myths tested by the MythBusters (including if the myth was confirmed or busted).