Not too much of interest been going on of late, so here’s the highlights.
- Found out there was a Maid-Rite restaurant over in Marion. Tried it out and discovered it was nearly1 as good as Taylor’s Maid-Rite in Marshalltown.
- Had some friends over for soup/chili.
- Went to the company holiday party. Best company holiday party I’ve ever been to. Expected to put in a polite appearance, not staying more than an hour or so. Actually stayed nearly 3 hours.
- Went to neighborhood holiday party. Huge house. Lots of people. Felt a lot like family christmas. Lots of people I don’t know talking to each other as they all know one another. Met a few nice people, but most of them were from out of the area and were just friends with the hosts
- Got older. Went to Applebee’s for lunch with Michelle & her family. Ate way too much. Later went out and saw Casino Royale (good, but I’ll talk about that in another post).
1 The sandwiches were just as good, but their selection of shakes was pitiful. Granted the night we went over it was cold out and I didn’t have a shake, but 3 flavors? Weak.