The week including the 4th of July was supposedly a short week, a week with less work days, and hence should have been a more relaxing week. As it turned out, it was more of a brutal week than I’ve had to deal with in a long time. Time at work has shrunk now that I’m once again work on our massive, quarterly update. Plus we’ve got another big project coming down the pipe soon. Then at home, well…
Wednesday, we hit up the Transformers movie with AWelkin and Bryon. The special effects were incredible, but the writing and directing sucked. I also thought the main human characters of the film overacted their parts, but others in our movie going party insisted they did a fine job working with the crap they were given. *shrug* I’m not an expert in movies so they could be right but in either case it was still a really bad movie.
Saturday, Ariesna and I got up early so we could hit up the farmers market taking place downtown and still have time to visit some garage sales. Now we do regularly visit the weekly farmers markets around town, but at a recent neighborhood cocktail party we heard that the first weekend of the month there’s a larger version which takes place. So we went and were unprepared for just how massive it was. The market took over several city blocks worth of streets and was jam-packed with vendors and shoppers. We found a stand selling some fruit tarts and bought one each for our breakfast as we looked around1. We also bought a few books at the library’s booth, some creamed honey and a loaf of pumpkin bread. Then we escaped, huzzah! *grin*
After leaving downtown, we parked the car at the house and walked over to the garage sales. Only again, we underestimated how massive it would be. There had been signs posted for roughly a week, giving the street, day and time. We’d also heard back at the cocktail party it would be 4-5 houses getting together to sell their stuff. Only it was more like 20-25, spread across 4-5 blocks. We walked around all of it and when we were at the farthest part of it, we found a stepladder for $10. Sure it’s old and probably not rated to support somebody of my size, but it was $10 and we’ve needed one ever since we moved into our house. Ariesna hung out with the ladder, while I walked all those blocks back to the house, gack. Then a quick drive over to pick up Ariesna and our new ladder. Whee!
Sunday, naturally having the stepladder meant I got to have the fun of climbing it and cleaning out the rain gutters on the garage. For extra fun, then I cleaned off the stepladder onto the garage’s roof and cleaned some of the house’s rain gutters. And then back down the ground, switching to the extension ladder we borrowed from Ariesna’s dad and finished cleaning all the gutters of the house. Yes, several times my vertigo did kick in. No, it was not pleasant. Oh and yes, our slightly tilted garage apparently did shift underneath me a bit while was moving around on it’s roof.
Combine all that err, fun with 90 degree heat and you’ll understand why I’m so pleased to be going back to work (where somebody else pays for the air conditioning).
1 Mine was rasberry/lemon, Ariesna’s was rhubarb. Mine was so much better.