Just upgraded CoffeeBear.net to WordPress 2.6. So this post is partly to make sure all my plugins are working correctly with it.
I’d also like to take a momemt to thank AWelkin & Bryon for the gifts they brought back from Japan for me. I’ve now decorated my cubicle with 3 Tachikoma gashapon. *yeah!* Also a quick thanks should go out to my buddy/ex-coworker Eric, he mentioned more than once I just needed the right motivation to get into programming1. Well I recently had some slow time at work and wanted a way to parse some badly formatted data; so I wrote a Python script and while doing so certain things that have never clicked in my head about programming started falling into place. I’ve since started working on another Python script for a different project at the office, so perhaps there’s some hope for my coding-fu yet.
1 I do a lot of computer stuff, but have never been much of a programmer. Usually I just learn enough to hack somebody else’s stuff together to do what I want in rather ugly hacks.