While powering through a bit of a sinus headache, we got more drywall installed today and the closet space is starting to actually look a bit like a closet. As it turns out we weren’t able to cut the remaining piece of drywall into 2 pieces to complete cover the walls on both the left and the right side of the closet space[ref]Well we probably could have if knew what we were doing, but no surprise we don’t.[/ref]. Still there are plenty of steps on the to do list (see below) before we can consider this project complete.
To Do:
- Cut a small, triangular piece of dry wall to finish the closet walls.
- Trim the closet drywall on the left side of the picture; as it currently sticks out a bit further out from the studs.
- Cover the studs on the left side of the picture with a strip of drywall.
- Patch a hole in the drywall (not pictured here).
- Tape/mud the drywall seams.
- Install trim to cover the gap between the drywall and the floor.
- Build and/or install some shelves at the back of the closet.
- Paint the closet.
- Hang some pipe between the studs.