Still battling the plague, but did make it to the clinic this weekend. The wonderful doctor gave me a nice, wide-spectrum antibiotic and even better a codeine-based cough syrup. The past week or so, I’ve been getting very little sleep do to this nasty plague-induced cough but with this cough syrup I slept roughly 14 hours last night! Wahoo! It feels so good to be rested again.

I’ve been home sick the last couple of days and today while I felt mostly felt fine; I was running a bit of a temp. I couldn’t sleep so to entertain myself; I surfed the web and found this links which amused me.

  • Bento | Gmaps:Google Maps with English translations showing eating/dining options in Tokyo, Japan
  • Motherload: A flash based game where you drive a mining pod on Mars digging for ore. Sounds silly but it’s strangely addictive; I clicked it intending to play for just a few minutes and ended up spending hours on it today. Then again, part of that could have been the cold medicine.
  • MythBusters | Lost Experiments: The Discovery channel has put online short video segments from the MythBusters TV show where we get to see never before released footage. 😀 Very cool!

Bah, I’m still a bit torked off about yesterday. At work1, there’s been a person who keeps sending up emails with the wrong code in the subject line. We use these codes to route the issues to the correct person and putting the wrong code on the email can mean a delay of at least a week before the issue gets looked at. Well, this same idjit2 sent an email asking for an update on one of those issues. Since I was running a process at the time; I looked over the issue, found it was mislableled, forwarded it over to the correct person and then spent probably 2 hours writing up a diplomatic response explaining the difference between two of the codes we use.