Day 1 at any job tends to consist of new employee paperwork, introductions and maybe some light work. Day 2 tends to be a bit more interesting. Today, I got more of a taste of what my new job is like and so far, so good. That my work computer is a shiny, new laptop faster than any computer I own doesn’t hurt my attitude. Plus the heat wave we’ve been having finally broke today and the temp maxed out in the eighties rather than the 90°/100° temperatures we have been having. 🙂

While it is CB.Net’s policy to not talk about work issues; I do feel the need to pass along a bit of good news today. I received an offer for employment with a new company. In two weeks, I will hold the position of Data Analyst rather than that of a Software Tester. It’s a really exciting opportunity, but if you want to know more…. Well, you’ll have to know me in person and maybe even buy me a drink. 😀

I mentioned a short while back that I’m back on the meat market looking for a new job. Well, today over lunch I got my first nibble. I’ll post more info some other time, but it felt really good to finally have somebody show some interest in me. Until today, the only other reply I’d gotten was a formletter telling me they weren’t interested.