Passing of the King

It is with great sadness that I report Raja is with us no more. He had been in recently for a check up and at that time was pronounced fine, excepting some teeth that needed to be pulled. He had those teeth removed shortly after that and wasn’t getting his appetite back. As he had a follow-up appointment coming up next week, we had planned to ask about it at that time. Then yesterday he stopped eating altogether. We called and got him an appointment for this morning. This time the vet did an x-ray of Raja’s lungs and found them almost completely full of fluid and tumors. As that point, with no better option left to us, we made the impossible decision to have Raja put down to ease his passing. He will be missed.

RajaFinal replaced my laptop & camera after our house was broken into back in October. Celebrating by restarting my 365 for this year.