NBC’s Treasure Hunters: Challenge #8

I’m a bit behind this week as I didn’t get home until after the show started1. Click the more link to view the spoilers for this week’s challenge.

  1. Click on the ladder to head up into the bunk area.
  2. Click on the lockers.
  3. Click on the middle locker to open it.
  4. Take both the net and the goggles.
  5. Back out of the bunk area.
  6. Click on the door leading to the bridge.
  7. Click on the right-hand control panel.
  8. Click on the right lever. This should shut off the display and light up the red buttons.
  9. Click the 2nd button from the top to sound the ship’s fog horn.
  10. Back out of the bridge.
  11. Now that the horn has scared off the seagull, click on the toolbox and take the flashlight.
  12. Click the water to the side of the ship to go diving. NOTE: You will have to leave your backpack behind, but get to take the net, goggles and flashlight with you.
  13. You control the diver with your mouse and there are 3 items on the river bed. I found it easiest to drag swim until directly over the item and then head straight down to get them.
  14. Once you have all 3 items, head back to the ship. When you reach the ship, you’ll be automatically placed back on deck. The seagull will also return knocking your backpack into the water.
  15. Dive back into the water to retrieve your backpack.
  16. Click on the door to go back to the bridge.
  17. Click on the right-hand control panel.
  18. Click on the levers until the panel on your left lights up.
  19. Enter “emergency support” for the department.
  20. Click purchase on to get the replacement backpack.2
  21. Click submit to send the game the details automatically provided (there does not appear to be anyway to change the settings given).
  22. Click submit again to send your Verified by Visa password2
  23. Click ok to the message that the replacement will arrive in 0-4 business days.
  24. Back out of the bridge to the deck.
  25. A helicopter will swoop in and lower a crate to you. Click on the crate.
  26. Then the helicopter will take up a hovering position to the left of the ship. Click on the helicopter.
  27. Enter “Mexico City”3 and hit submit.
  28. In Mexico City, click near the bottom of the game screen. This will display a 15 piece scramble puzzle depicting some Aztec symbols. Solve the puzzle to get your next puzzle piece.
    Letters stand in place of the puzzle pieces while * is the blank square.

    A B C D
    E F G H
    I J K L
    M N O *

    A B C D
    E F G H
    I J K L
    M N * O

    A B C D
    E F G H
    I J K L
    M * N O

    A B C D
    E F G H
    I J K L
    * M N O

    A B C D
    E F G H
    * J K L
    I M N O

    A B C D
    * F G H
    E J K L
    I M N O

    * B C D
    A F G H
    E J K L
    I M N O

    B * C D
    A F G H
    E J K L
    I M N O

    B C * D
    A F G H
    E J K L
    I M N O

    B C D *
    A F G H
    E J K L
    I M N O

    B C D H
    A F G *
    E J K L
    I M N O

    B C D H
    A F G L
    E J K *
    I M N O

    B C D H
    A F G L
    E J K O
    I M N *

  29. Then you get a message congratulating you on solving the puzzle and the last of your puzzle pieces floats up from the blank square.

When you get back to the gameboard, you’ll have a message saying “You have one more puzzle to solve before you receive your final clue.” Ignore that for the moment and click on the selection of puzzle pieces. If you don’t know already, when these pieces are properly aligned they form the national mall in Washington, D.C.4 Align the pieces so they look like this

NBC Treasure Hunter's Assembled Puzzle Pieces

Once you align the puzzle pieces correctly, you’ll be automatically taken back to the gameboard and the back of the fireplace will rise up to reveal a hidden passage. Click the fireplace to continue. Listen to a short blurb from the show’s host about Betsy Ross preferring to use a 5 pointed star because it can be done in a single cut. Click the book in the center of the room and then click to either get the PDF or JPEG version of the image. Print the image5, then fold & cut the paper according to the directions on your print out. Examine the print out noting where the symbols appear in relation to the star. Then click the box in the middle of the room and arrange the symbols in the same order as what you see on your print out6. Once you’ve lined the symbols up correctly, the box opens and reveals the final clue. After collecting the last clue, you will be taken back to the gameboard where you can make your final guess as to the location of the treasure8. Happy hunting!

1 A good friend’s wife invited me to a surprise party for him to celebrate his new job and his 50th birthday.
2 Ok, I’d say this section definitely wasn’t necessary but gave Visa some “decent” advertising. Except that the game requires you to do this to get to the helicopter to get out of here.
3 Capital of the Spanish empire in the Americas when the ships were sunk.
4 Yes, I know that one piece does look rather like Florida.
5 Yup, you need a printer. Which sucks, but what are you going to do quit now? I think not!
6 If you don’t have a printer, then the order of the symbols should be: Sun Door Hands Apron7 Shovel Trowel9
7 I saw a lot of people online calling this an envelope, however it is actually a Masonic apron.
8 Sorry, but I’m not going to list my guess here. I want to buy a house and even after taxes $200,000 would help me buy a seriously nice house in my area. 😀
9As Runyon correctly points out this isn’t a shovel but actually a trowel. Which does make a lot more sense given all of the Masonic symbols and imagery they’ve been using through out the channels.

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12 thoughts on “NBC’s Treasure Hunters: Challenge #8

  1. I got all the way to the cryptex on my own…but cannot get it to open. I am using the correct order of the 5 symbols according to your log. What am I missing?

  2. I keep going back and forth with my answer I think it is in the National Mall which is pictured but I think it would have to be smaller so the National Archives. Every week I get on your website to see if we did the quest the same. If they have another show are you going to continue your web listing for it? This has been great fun.

  3. Wouldnt have made it through Challenge 7 without a little help from you. THANKS
    Got Challenge 8, and made it to the fireplace and box, cut the star and got the symbols, but for some reason, cant seem to get any farther…REALLLLLY annoying considering I made it through the challenges, knew it was the National Mall waaay back with the first game piece and now cant finish the last detail…hmph

  4. @AS: I heard on an IRC channel that there are 2 door symbols on the cryptex. If you are having trouble getting the cryptex to open, try the “other” door. Also, I heard a lot of people were having trouble making sure the symbols were lined up correctly. For that, I’d try holding something with a straight edge (e.g. a piece of paper) against your monitor and make sure everything lines up right.

    @Jen: If NBC does another season of Treasure Hunters; then I plan on continuing to post my methods for solving the puzzles they give us.

    @MO: After the show was over last night, I started hanging out in an IRC chatroom (#steeple_media on AccessIRC) to get tips on the puzzle while I was trying to solve it. I saw at least one person on there who was in a hotel and didn’t have a printer available to even try following the final instructions. I guess what I’m saying is it could have been worse. 😀

  5. Since you corrected the people who thought the Apron was an envelope (thanks), thought I’d tell ya that the “Shovel” is a trowel.

  6. @Runyon: Doh! Good catch, I should have thought of that myself. I’ve updated my solution to reflect your correction.

  7. Pingback: CoffeeBear.net
  8. Now that the contest is over, does anyone want to share what their guesses were?

  9. I can not get the box to open. I have the symbols in the correct order, i even used a ruler to make sure they were straight. Yet nothing is working 4 me! HELP…..

  10. @MO: First, empty your web browser’s cache and then restart your browser. In the IRC channel I had been hanging around on last night, that seemed to clear up most of the really weird problems. If that doesn’t work make sure you’re using the correct door symbol, as there is more than one. I’m not sure which one on the wheel is the “bad” one as when I tried this it went through on my first try. If that doesn’t work I highly recommend you try going to the IRC channel called #steeple_media on AccessIRC. There have been a lot of people who were working together to solve the puzzles hanging out there and you’ll get a much quicker response from them.

  11. Still having trouble with the line up or what not for the star. Have tried any and all suggestions. Any more advice would be appreciated

  12. The symbol lineup is correct; however, you have to place them further north than dead center on the wheels. This includes the apron, which is already exposed at the beginning of the puzzle. Good luck.


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