Dannon Coffee Yogurt, Take 2

As I find it amazing that people are still commenting on this post, over 3 years after it was written, I decided to buy another cup of the yogurt to see if it had improved since I last tried it.

  • Appearance: No change. This yogurt still looks like something very, very nasty rather than food.
  • Scent: N/A. I made no comment on the scent of the yogurt in my previous review but today’s cup had a pleasant coffee fragrance.
  • Texture: Improved. This cup of yogurt mixed up properly and when eaten was smooth, not chalky.
  • Flavor: Improved but still unpleasant. Today’s cup tasted more like a bad, drip coffee combined with sour cream. Sadly, that actually is an improvement.

Overall today’s cup was significantly better than the previous cup I tried, but still not good enough to get me to eat it again.

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5 thoughts on “Dannon Coffee Yogurt, Take 2

  1. im eating it as i type now, i just tried my first cup and i agree, it is pretty disgusting looking, and it does taste like coffee mixed with sour cream ugh. But im too cheap to throw it away too ahahah. p.s. my first time here, i think you’re hilarious xD

  2. i love dannon coffee yogurt. other brands can’t seem to get coffee flavor right. yoplait has a cappucino that is gross and brown cow’s coffee yogurt is repulsive.

    i can totally see how this is a love it or hate it thing though. the coffee flavor has a tartness to it that is distinctly a yogurt thing.


  3. everything i agree with.. i first tried it and was repulsed but the more i ate i actually liked it lol! *literally eating as im typing*

  4. First time replying to a post, but not the first time I have had Dannon coffee yoghurt!! I recall as a kid having a teaspoon of my mom’s coffee added to my milk. Therefore, it is not unusually that I was familiar with coffee yoghurt from my youth. Ironically, after 35 plus years, I had a yen for a yoghurt. While recalling childhood memories, I saw the Dannon container pop up before my eyes! I was reminded by a grocery clerk, of how the packaging use to be made of a sturdy waxed paper. Curious to fix my fix, I had no other choice than to now purchase a 4 pack made of plastic. Being primarily vegan and a non-coffee drinker, I was amazed how the childhood memory won out, unanimously. I am sorry for your unsatisfactory experience, maybe you needed to begin eating Dannon coffee yoghurt as a youth!! I on the other hand an grateful that I can still dip back into a childhood memory, even if it is after 35 years!! Gosh, I hope the cows are treated humanely!!!

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