Weeks 25 & 26: Insert Clever Title Here

Week 26: Cedar Rapids 2012 Balloon Glow

I’ve got a few things on my mind this week and will be posting multiple photos today to make up for skipping last week[ref]Sorry about that[/ref].
Week 25: How Many Licks?
First up, the reason I’ve been posting cat photos of late is my employer is putting together a pet calendar for next year and asked for photos. I’ve taken …. quite a few more than the few you’ve seen here, but I think today’s cat photo is the only one really worth submitting. It’s one of the better poses I got out of Raja and it’s not horribely grainy like some of the shots I tried for. As an added bonus, this photo doesn’t show how much of a mess my house is. *grin*

Secondly, I have to say I was rather dissappointed with this year’s Balloon Glow event over at Brucemore. The band playing seemed extra mediocre this year. The weather was windier and cooler than I would have liked. But worst of all, they waited until after 9:00pm to start really raising the balloons[ref]There was one balloon that they started to put up earlier, but they stopped and brought it right back down nearly as soon as it was up[/ref]. So other than these 2 photos, all my shots of the Balloon Glow are mediocre crowd shots[ref]I’ve no knack for portraiture at all, not singles or groups[/ref] or a few lame-bo shots of the one balloon they started putting up earlier in the evening. *sigh*

Week 26: Cedar Rapids 2012 Balloon Glow
Given all the wind, I’m sure that was part of why they waited so long to really get going and admittedly the 2 shots I took as we were heading back home are more interesting for it being so dark out. I still would have preferred an earlier start time.

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