This update was partially delayed due to some problems with our domain name. And depending on what the old bank balance looks like after paying my bills; I’ll be seeing about moving musings to it’s new host/domain name/style (maybe).

Most days of the week, I end up staying up far later into the night than is good for me; so I sleep late on the weekends to help catch up on my sleep. This last weekend, I actually managed to drag my sleepy but out of bed and make it to the bank so I could store some stuff in my safety deposit box. Whew!

After I got back from the bank; Ariesna and I headed over to the Coralville Public Library Booksale. We picked up a few interesting looking books, including one that I later started hoping wasn’t somebody else’s purchase.

See, CPL has a freebie section and a purchase section. We always go into the purchase section first and buy whatever strikes our fancy before going through the freebies. We’d done that and while looking through the freebies; I noticed a small book, titled Understanding the Scots, in a box near the door into the purchase section. Being part Scottish, I picked it up and started flipping through it. While I did this I turned around to see what Ariesna might be up to and then turned back to see if any other books in that box were of interest. Alas, the box was gone. Now, I don’t know if those were supposed to belong to somebody else (e.g. they’d finished in the purchase section and just set the box down) or if they were legitimate freebies and somebody grabbed the box with all the rest of the books. *sigh* I doubt I’ll ever find out.

After the booksale, we headed to downtown Iowa City for their 2004 Art Fesitval. We did a lot of walking around looking at all the cool stuff and I bought Ariesna a silver bracelet with a daisy in the pendent on the bracelet. She loved it and was going to just walk away from it, but I couldn’t have that so I bought it. While I’m not sure that it was a sound financial move; the smile on her face was well worth it.

Oh and I took some photos of the Art Festival with my new camera but I haven’t had a chance to go through them yet. Once I have; I’ll see about posting them here.

Later in the afternoon, we met up with Ariesna’s sister (Dee) and her husband (Ken) to see Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter 3). To sum it up, I think the overall production values were higher in this film than any of the others but the story was very badly hacked up and if you’ve not read the book; I can’t image how you’d be able to follow what was going on. Still, if you’re a fan of the series; it’s worth seeing on a matinee.

This post over on Dooce’s blog, reminded me of some of the crap joy I’ve had to deal with growing up. See, I’m about 6’5″ tall and not the least bit scrawny. So I always got the questions from Aunts & Uncles (e.g. “when are you going to join the basketball/football/whateverball team?”). Unfortunately for them, I spent my early formative years in North Carolina and what we played down there, back then, was soccer. Basketball was for older kids and football was maybe somthing that you could do in your backyard; if you couldn’t afford a soccer ball and some shin guards.

Then I moved form NC to Iowa and up here (back then) there really wasn’t any where to play soccer. You basically had your choice of basketball or football; neither of which I give a fig for. My favorite memory of this sort of thing was when I met the coach at my 2nd high school and told him that I had no interest in either basketball or football. I could just see the disappointment build in his eyes.

Then again, I probably shouldn’t relish that moment because he more than got his revenge on me in the next 3 years of PhysEd classes. *ugh*

But the main thing about dooce’s post that reminded me of my own experiences was volleyball. While having me on your team was no guarantee of winning1; it certainly helped. What really helped was my “backhanded beeeatch-slap return” (patent-pending); see I’d be standing next to the net waiting for the ball to come over. I’d have my hands clasped ready to bump the ball back up, but I’d get bored waiting for the it, look up for the ball, see it hanging there just over the next and with my back still to the next reach up and smack the ball with the back of my hand. This worked rather like a low-flying spike; except that the other team almost never saw it coming because I was facing the wrong way. Ah, those were the days. *grin*

Oh for the record, my other 2 favorite activities in PhysEd class were Archery (I read too many fantasy novels) and floor hockey. Gods, I loved playing that game. Simply because I can fondly recall the kids who I truly disliked running full-tilt at me with the puck; expecting me to either move aside or fall down. Let’s think about this a moment; I’m 6’5″ and I wasn’t a skinny little kid. Dude, in floor hockey, I was the WALL. I didn’t dodge and I didn’t fall down. That’s what the other kids had to do. Muhahahahaha! Okay, I really should be doing some work; so that’s enough writing for now.

1 I’ve absolutely no jumping ability whatsoever, which makes some hits difficult to counter and is one of the reasons I hated basketball.

A coworker of mine forwarded me the following list of signs:

Friends don’t let friends take home ugly men
– Women’s rest room Starboard, Dewey Beach, DE

Beauty is only a light switch away.
– Perkins Library, Duke University , Durham

If life is a waste of time, and time is a waste of life, then let’s all get wasted together and have the time of our lives.
– Armand’s Pizza, Washington , DC

Remember, it’s not, “How high are you?” it’s “Hi, how are you?”
– Rest stop off Route 81, West Virginia

Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.
– The Bayou, Baton Rouge , LO

No matter how good she looks, some other guy is sick and tired of putting up with her shit.
– Men’s Room in Linda’s Bar and Grill, Chapel Hill , NC

At the feast of ego everyone leaves hungry.
– Bentley’s House of Coffee and Tea, Tucson, AZ

It’s hard to make a comeback when you haven’t been anywhere.
– Written in the dust on the back of a bus, Wickenburg , AZ

Make love, not war. -Hell, do both GET MARRIED!
– Women’s restroom The Filling Station, Bozeman, MT

If voting could really change things, it would be illegal.
– Revolution Books in New York , New York .

If pro is opposite of con, then what is the opposite of progress? Congress!
– Men’s restroom in House of Representatives, Washington , DC

Express Lane: Five beers or less
– Sign over one of the urinals in Ed Debevic’s, Phoenix, AZ

You’re too good for him.
– Sign over mirror in Women’s restroom in Ed Debevic’s, Beverly Hills ,CA

No wonder you always go home alone.
– Sign over mirror in Men’s restroom, Ed Debevic’s, Beverly Hills ,CA

A Woman’s Rule of Thumb: If it has tires or testicles, you’re going to have trouble with it.
– Women’s restroom in Dick’s Last Resort, Dallas, TX

I saw this post over at Mindful Musings and thought it was too cool, but also too short. So here’s the revised list:

  1. When you are sad, I will get you drunk and will help you plot revenge against the sorry bastard who made you sad.
  2. When you are blue, I will try to dislodge whatever is choking you.
  3. When you smile, I will know you finally got laid and give you a high five.
  4. When you are scared, I will rag you about it every chance I get.
  5. When you are worried, I will tell you horrible stories about how much worse it could be and to quit whining.
  6. When you are confused, I will use small words and draw pictures to explain.
  7. When you are sick, stay the hell away from me until you’re well again. I don’t want whatever you have.
  8. When you fall, I will point and laugh at your clumsy ass.
  1. When you do something stupid, I will let you know. By pointing it out as loudly as possible to make sure you never do it again.
  2. When you get drunk off your ass, I will drive you home. But only because I am going to shave your eyebrows off.
  3. When you are lonely, I will keep my eyes open to find a mate for you. But I will never set you up on a blind date; unless you ask for it and then I will laugh at how desperate you’ve become.
  4. When you are angry, I will help you kick the other guy’s ass.
  5. When you are in love, I will be supportive even if I think s/he’s totally unworthy of you.
  6. When you get married, I will be happy to show up at your wedding and eat the free food. I will even try to find you a wedding present that you might like.
  7. When you have kids, I will give you my congratulations and then immediately change my phone number so you can never ask me to babysit your kid.

Ok, so my additions to the list aren’t as good as the original stuff; but what the heck, I had fun writing them.