While browsing the WP support forums, I ran across this little annoucement:
I would like to announce the grand opening of AustenBlog, a compendium of news about Jane Austen in popular culture. This weblog probably will only be interesting to those who like Jane Austen, of course, but I’d like to announce it here and publicly thank some folks who were helpful to me while I was putting it together
I normally wouldn’t make a post on my blog for somebody annoucing their new site, but the design is pretty good and based on Root’s Gemini template for WP (which means I should seriously look at that template for help with designing CoffeeBear’s look). Also, a good friend of mine (AWelkin) is a fan of Pride & Prejudice and I figure she’ll eventually see the link & might want to check it out.
Well thanks for the mention. Have you seen the Trident 3 Col template? Might suit you. Good luck
Yeah, I’ve seen the Trident template as well, but I’m thinking about removing a bunch of the clutter from my site’s main page. If I actually do that, then the Gemini template will probably work better.