I carry a Leatherman Squirt P4 and once in a while, I take out of my pocket and set it on my desk. Either because it’s poking my leg or I’m using it for some reason or another. Today I had it sitting out and was concentrating on our current big project, headphones on and oblivious to my surroundings.
When I suddenly noticed two of my co-workers leaning over my cube wall, looking at me. One of them noticed the Squirt sitting on my desk and started talking about how cool it was. Then our supervisor walked over and mentioned how I was popular today. The other of my co-workers piped up with “We were just admiring his tool” and all of us got the giggles. We thought about all the various ways she could have said that…
- “Admiring his pocket tool”
- “Admiring his Leatherman”
- “Admiring his Squirt”
And decided there was no way we were not going to laugh at the comment.
I have the exact same tool.
Now I can relax, knowing that there will be no moment when one or the other of us tries to catch a glimpse to compare. That’s always awkward.