- NPR, I love it. | Learn to speak Tea Bag. http://is.gd/5OfiZ (via @hidama) #
- Speaking of WoT fanart, the best I’ve seen are here: http://bit.ly/4RtMFL (via @BrandonSandrson) #
- The weekend. #DOWANT (via @hidama) #
- All shall bow before the Super Admin! Ho Ho Ho! Look on my blogs ye mighty—and despair! (via @iandstewart) #
- Web 1.0 vs. Web 2.0, summed up in a picture: http://idek.net/vEc (via @nathansmith) #
- I nominate @scalzi for a Shorty Award in #bacon because he is my bacon-master now! #
- Breaking: Hulk Hogan admits that WWE is rigged! (via @jamietie) #StatingTheObvious #heh #
- I say screw Leno AND Conan. Give Craig Ferguson the time slot. That guy is hilarious. #nbc (via @carlhancock) #