A comment I left over at ChuckVision: Six Teeth of Terror in response to their short discussion on television shows we all know/love/hate.
Technically, Firefly didn’t get even a full season. Only 14 episodes were shot and of those only 12 ever aired. Fortunately, the poo-heads decided include the “extra” episodes on the DVDs.
Also, why no mention of NBC’s hit series Heroes!?!? Or This Old House?!?!? Or A New Yankee Workshop?!?!? What kind of craptacular list is this?
And if you’ve not seen enough of the new Doctor Who to judge how good it is; well they’ve got it over at Netflix. I hear that those nasty internet pirates also put it online and people all over the world have been downloading/watching it.
Aeon Flux was some really twisted
shitanimation which never seemed to explain anything but was still entertaining to me when it originally aired on MTV.ALF was a show I liked as a kid and now I wonder what kind of damage it did to my brain.
American Idol is a show that I depise but my wife loves. So I either get to listen to horrible singing or flee the room.
Boston Legal, at least the bits with James Spader and William Shatner, is fuckin’ hilarious.
Charmed started off interesting and then turned into a Gilmore Girls with magic. *belch*
Commander in Chief was fun to watch, but then they did their mid-season break and I lost interest. I wonder if it’s even still on the air?
Cowboy Bebop is a fabulous anime. We might even have a copy around (I’d have to check) to lend you; if you like. It’s got a similar western-in-space feeling to it like Firefly but also with a healthy dash of blues/jazz.
CSI: NY had the disadvantage of coming out after the networks had started beating the concept to death, but has more (in #s and quality) interesting characters than the original CSI.
Gundam Wing is crap. If you want a good anime series set in the Gundam universe, you want to watch Gundum 0083: Stardust Memories.
Lost is another show that I caught some of and liked but after their mid-season break, I found no desire to go back and watch more of it.
MacGyver is another favorite from my younger years.
Monk: Since we don’t get the USA network, I’ve seen this show like 4-5 times. However everytime I’ve seen it; it’s been really good.
NCIS is my favorite of the current crop of crime scene investigation shows. That wacky cast is what keeps me coming back week after week. 🙂
Quantum Leap is a show I remember watching and enjoying when I was younger. But that’s about all I remember about it now, still I think I’d like to revisit the show and watch it again.
Star Trek: Meh.
Star Trek: The Next Generation was a regular feature in our house when I was growing up.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Watched some of it, kind of liked it but never got attached.
Stargate Atlantis comes in again as a show I like to watch because I like the wacky characters.
Stargate SG-1 is the older sibling to Stargate Atlantis and seems to be tired & boring in comparison.
The Avengers, particularly the episodes with Diana Rigg as Emma Peel, was fabulous! Well worth the $$$ to get the box set!
The Mythbusters is a show that actually makes me think I should up my cable subscription to get more channels so I can watch it. Too bad I’m too cheap to do it for 1 show.
Twin Peaks was lovely in a severely twisted sort of way. A total cult classic.