It has been many years since I’ve written you a letter; for that I am sorry. As it turns out, I’m absolutely rotten about keeping up my correspondence with people and I really should try harder at it. Hopefully, this doesn’t put me on your naughty list and I’d rather not find coal in my stocking this year. Enclosed you will find a list of things that I would like for Christmas.

Best Wishes,

P.S. Do you prefer chocolate chip or sugar cookies?

    Mark’s list of Christmas Wishes

  • An end to all war.
  • Food for the hungry.
  • Shelter for the homeless.
  • Clean air and water for the future.
  • Anything on my Wishlist.
  • 15inch Apple Powerbook
  • 30 inch Apple Cinema Display to use with the Powerbook when I’m at home.
  • A Mini Cooper like this Link is a PDF file, 811.18 KB in size.1
  • An all expenses paid, first-class trip for 2 around the world, to last not less than 3 months.
  • Forty million US dollars, in small unmarked bills.2

1 Said PDF file was autogenerated by the While I’m generally against websites relying so heavily on Flash; their site just rocks. Plus, I’m lusting after their cars. Too bad my site is so unknown that I can’t get them to uhhh, sponsor me with a free car. *grin*
2 Forty million just has a nice ring to it and is something of an in-joke to me.

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